sedan chairs

美 [sɪˈdæn tʃerz]英 [sɪˈdæn tʃeəz]
  • n.轿子
  • sedan chair的复数
sedan chairssedan chairs

sedan chairs


  • 1
    N-COUNT (17、18世纪使用的)轿子
    A sedan chair is an enclosed chair for one person carried on two poles by two men, one in front and one behind. Sedan chairs were used in the 17th and 18th centuries.

  1. As the way from Shaoyang to the school consisted entirely of mountain roads , they had to switch to sedan chairs .


  2. As conveyance , boats , sedan chairs and wheelbarrows were more popular than horses .


  3. Officers always went out in sedan chairs in Qing dynasty .


  4. In a country where powerful men were once transported in sedan chairs , Chinese car buyers have a culturally embedded preference for roomy saloons .


  5. The first foreign vacationers to visit the mountaintop resort area of Moganshan , at the turn of the last century , were carried up in sedan chairs .


  6. Ser Barristan will have summoned a pair of sedan chairs to carry us back up to the banquet , but the climb can still be wearisome .
